Hi, Y’all!  First of all I want to say thank you SO much for subscribing to my blog it means so much to me! And I thank you so much for sticking with me. It’s hard for me to figure out what I want to write about, and where I want to take this blog. Experimenting on different things is one way to find something I really like writing about. Thank you!

I think instead of posting what I did each week,  which was not working out  so well, I’m going to post a Bible verse! Plus a little commentary on that verse!

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…” -John 3:16

God could have just made us all like robots and told us what to do and we would do it. BUT God gave us a free will, so we had a choice between loving Him or not. We sinned, and right then and there God could have said “Alright that’s it I’m destroying all of y’all and starting over.” But He knew what we would do, so he already had a plan in mind and put it into action. Just when all hope seemed lost, Jesus came, and gave his life for all who would receive Him.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…” -John 3:16

Love y’all!


By the way check out my sister’s NEW fiction blog!


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